Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your contribution to my hearing journey. I have been bilateral for 10 years with Freedom processors from Cochlear. These processors have changed my entire life in so many areas that it is impossible to list them all. Hearing my grandchildren, music and the sound of rain was life changing. I discovered I do not like the sound of clocks but love the sound of the ocean waves and birds. I can not imagine going back to a silent world after 10 years of hearing. 
Thank you so much,
While Alley was diagnosed as profoundly deaf at age 16 months she has never let that slow her down. Alley enjoys her quiet time and is a master lip reader, she also enjoys living in the hearing world with her Cochlear Implants. Alley is going to be a Jr. in highschool and will go onto college after graduating to pursue a career of her choice. There are no limits in Alley's life and her dreams are big. Being the recipient of the generosity of the Cochlear Implant Awareness Foundation has allowed Alley to remain in sound after an unfortunate accident of losing her implant in the water. Our family is very grateful for the Cochlear Implant Awareness Foundation as the expense of having a child with a disability can be overwhelming. Thank you for helping our daughter and our family. 
Maureen Androsik
(Alleys Mom)
I want to thank you all again for helping us get another implant device for Maury. It has been a real blessing. Thank you all and the foundation for all of your endeavors to help the deaf. 
May God Bless You,
Sandy Wray
Good Afternoon, we would like to thank you for all your help in providing my husband with his upgraded cochlear implant system. He was very excited to receive it and has been blown away by the sound quality and the system itself. Once again we would like to say thank you to you and the foundation. Without your support, I don't think this would have been possible. 
Mr. & Mrs. McDaniel
Hello, just wanted to let you know that both N6's were mapped yesterday. The sound is sharper and louder. It's been an amazingly smooth transition.
Sometime next week I will be sending you both Freedoms with all of my accessories. While at Listen For Life my audiologist noticed a small hairline crack in one of the freedom controllers. Which took me by surprise I have no idea when that happened! Luckily it's still under warranty until March 24th. Cochlear is sending me a new freedom controller under my warranty. It should arrive Monday. Shortly afterwards I'll be sending my freedom kit to you. 
Thanks so much for all your help.
Frances and John Raabe
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for your contribution to my hearing journey. I have been bilateral for 10 years with Freedom processors from Cochlear. These processors changed my entire life in so many areas that it is impossible to list them all. Hearing my grandchildren, music and the sound of rain was life changing. I discovered I do not like the sound of clocks but love the sound of the ocean waves and birds. I can not imagine going back to a silent world after 10 years of hearing.
When Cochlear announced the “end of life” for my Freedoms, I was very fearful that the end of my hearing journey was coming to pass. There was no way we could afford the newest N6 processors. We had to close our business a few years ago after 23 years. It has been a challenge to get back on our feet. We knew obtaining new processors would be a hardship for us. The insecurity of never knowing how long my Freedoms would last would be a continued fear. We decided to pray that God would lead us in the right direction and to exhaust all avenues of financial help. Every door, every email, every phone call made turned into a dead end. Our hope was ebbing until we discovered your CIAF® website. We had not known such a company as yours existed. It became a quest of hope and believing that God would provide.
When we connected with you Michelle, you made an offer to help our situation which was such a blessing. We could hardly believe our ears. You were willing to help us obtain a new N6 if we purchased one ourselves. In fact, John had you repeat the offer because it was such a gift, he could hardly believe it. We then tried to secure financing for the N6 we were purchasing ourselves. Then you informed us that you had gone to bat and presented my case to the Cochlear. Somehow you amazingly convinced Cochlear to match your donation allowing me to receive not one but two donated N6’s. This has given me the security to carry on with my hearing journey. We are so incredibly thankful for you, Ivy and your team in securing these N6’s for me. We both appreciate all the work and effort you and your team put forth in making this a reality. 
With Hearts Filled With Gratitude,
Frances and John Raabe
Thank You - Thank you -Thank you CIAF®!! I have everything I need now to be back "wired for sound" and resume my life as a New Nana!!! I will be forever thankful and grateful that I can hear once again thanks to your organization! 
Saralyn Fowler
Me and Manny want to thank you and foundation for everything from our hearts. You folks are so kind. We and other family members are putting together a nice Donation for your Foundation for the Holidays. 
Thanks again so much,
Carl Machaho
Good morning we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping with Gianni's Cochlear Unit. It is working great. I also have a call into Shelly at All Children's Hospital to see if they can bill medicare. Shelly said she'll try her best. But there are still issues between the insurance still. Also we will call in each month to see if an upgrade is available. Since you're the only one helping us. Have a wonderful day and a great weekend. 
Thank You,
Joan Johns
Good Morning – I just want to tell you and the foundation THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your assistance in getting me my new Baha. It was truly a moving time for me to celebrate over the thanksgiving holiday with my family and I was much more relaxed and able to communicate with everyone and not feel like I was missing out.
Being able to hear my husband whisper to me again on that side brought tears to my ears and every time I think about how I got my new Baha brings tears to my ears.
- Ina Rollins
I wanted to let you know that I received my mic protectors today. I really appreciate the generosity of your organization and don’t know what I would have done without the protectors since Cochlear no longer produces them. It can be a bit frustrating when one has an 8 thousand dollar processor and no tiny black plugs to allow usage of the device! 
Thanks Again,
Chandler Svendson
I just received the best surprise in the mail today!! Not just one battery cover, but a whole rainbow of colors! Thank you so much! It’s so nice to not have a sticky band-aid behind my ear! 
Thanks Again,
Kathy Conant
This is to let you know that I have received the Cochlear Mini Microphone. It is currently plugged into my computer where I am able to stream my online class videos. This is just great! Thank you and CIAF for sending this important equipment to me. I am most appreciative. Also thank you for being so quick to respond to my request. 
With Gratitude,
June Skalak
Before hearing about CIAF, I was struggling with the poor condition of my old processor; Couldn't hear my child, frustrated my spouse & dreaded going into work for fear of what I would misinterpret any given day. Now, with the help of CIAF, I can hear whispers again, understand the little voice of my child, and I'm eager to go into work again! Thank you so much for changing my life! 
Thank you,
Jessica Gonzalez-Herrera
My name is Carmelle and I am 27 years old. When I was 8 years old I was diagnosed with cancer and as result of the treatments that saved my life, I am no longer able to hear without the assistance of cochlear implants. At the age of 12 I was fortunate to receive my first implant and then later my second implant. I was informed that in June 2019 my devices (Nucleus 5) will be deemed obsolete. This means my devices can no longer be repaired and I am required to purchase new implants. I have looked for funding within Manitoba/Canada since I was delivered this news and have had absolutely no luck. With requiring two devices the cost to replace them was extremely high and presented a financial burden that I could not afford.
My life, my home and my career all are based upon my ability to hear. I recently purchased my first home and received a mortgage. In my job I am required to answer phones, make calls, and provide customer service; all which require me to be able to hear. Without my job I cannot pay my mortgage.
I have worked hard to overcome the various challenges I’ve experienced in my life. I was at my wits end not knowing what to do. My current device was on the verge of breaking.
When I got a call from CIAF informing me they have decided to help me I was overcome with joy and I am forever grateful. I cannot thank them enough <3
Thank you,
CIAF has been such an amazing Foundation and a blessing for our family. The Foundation has been there for our hearing impaired son who has had a cochlear implant since one and he's now 15, they have kept Tripp hearing the times we've needed them and he hasn't been without it because of the generosity and wonderful care of the staff and donors!!! We will be forever grateful and blessed because of you all, thank you so much.
The Landrums